Windward Biofeedback Associates

Windward Biofeedback

Training Your Brain to Work for You


At Windward Biofeedback Associates we are essentially personal trainers for your brain, and neurofeedback is a lot like weightlifting. How many of you exercise or lift weights? You already know that regular physical exercise makes living in your body easier and more enjoyable.

In the same way, neurofeedback makes using your mind easier. By “exercising” your brain, you strengthen its electrical connections, so everyday tasks like remembering things, staying focused, and concentrating require much less effort. As a bonus, some emotional reactions that come with those struggles—like outbursts of anger or anxiety—begin to fade away.

How does it work? We don’t read your mind—just observe your brainwaves! By placing sensors on your scalp, we can monitor your brain activity and send that data to a specialized computer program. This program allows us to see the activity levels of different parts of your brain. Based on your personal needs and goals, we select exercises that are designed to target specific areas that need improvement.

Here’s where it gets interesting: our computer program integrates with a game or video presentation which only runs when your brain is functioning in the right way. If your brain goes off course, the game or video stops or fades. It’s that simple.

We also measure your progress. Before we begin, you’ll complete a brain map, which helps us identify which parts of the brain need attention. Every 20 sessions or so, you’ll complete it again. This allows us to track how well the training is working. Just like physical training, we check if you’re getting stronger in the areas that matter to you. If you are, great! If not, we adjust the training plan.

So, who benefits from neurofeedback? It’s ideal for anyone who wants to sleep better, manage emotions more effectively, improve focus, get organized, or even handle road rage with more calm. If your symptom inventory (on our website) scores above 25 points, neurofeedback could help make life a little easier.

Who might not be a good candidate? Someone currently dealing with substance abuse or facing an unstable living situation, because neurofeedback works best when there’s some stability in life.

Give us a call at 8087813007 or 8 to arrange for a consultation

Peggy and George at Windward Biofeedback Associates